So yesterday was my birthday. I turned, well, old. Then I started thinking and wondering about the idea of New Year's resolutions ... why on Jan. 1 and not your birthday, when each person really is starting a fresh year? No good reason, other than the whole merchandising angle, I guess.
Well anyway, my resolution for my, ahem, next year is to try something new every day. Not saying that I'm going to be going all nuts and crazy, but I hope this will be a good opportunity and reason to branch out a little.
To be perfectly honest, I'm starting terribly slow.
Yesterday: I tried an Arby's fish sandwich. Which lead me to believe there was a reason why I hadn't been moved to try them before. Not the best.
Today: I'm starting this new blog, which I hope will give me a place to show off some of the miscellaneous oddities and creations I make. I am a sewing and crafting fool and love to spend my time doing just about anything that involves craft or art supplies. My main outlet is quilting, but I certainly like to keep my options open!
I'm taking a few days off work this week so I hope to get a lot accomplished. Lots of movies, napping and making stuff. I hope to have photos to post soon!