My lack of blogging does not indicate my level of productivity craft-wise though. I've been working on a few different quilts, been involved in two craft swaps on Craftster (ah Craftster, how I love thee) and done other little projects here and there.
I recently went away to quilt camp and got so much done! It was my most productive time away yet; I think having that extra day really made a difference. It's funny because I have tons of "free" time, but I think being home alone really feeds into my imaginary ADD (notice there is no mention of the hyperactivity portion). I am a multi-tasker to the supreme. Sewing, crafting, on the computer, watching TV, all in various combinations.
A while back my friend Amy tagged me to do a list of six random things about me. I hadn't forgotten, just been a lazy poster. So, without further ado, here they are:
1. I am a notorious collector. There are so many things that I gather and save, like a squirrel with nuts. There's the Snoopy collection, Muffy Vanderbears, Pez dispensers, stickers, etc. Oh, and that little hoard of fabric too.
2. I was originally inspired to go into journalism thanks to Sassy magazine. Other than an awesome internship, I haven't gone the magazine route, but I still have a special place in my heart for Sassy. Needless to say, I still have all my old Sassy magazines.
3. I love the Olympics! I am SO looking forward to the summer games. I like sports in general - yay for the Packers - and I'll watch some sports whenever they're on TV, like gymnastics, swimming, diving, etc., but there's something about the Olympics that just fascinates me. I'll spend hours watching sports I may never have watched before. I guess all that NBC marketing is doing its job!
4. I used to be scared of Mexican food. When I was younger and Chi Chi's restaurants were the norm, I would go with my sisters and I'd order a hamburger and fries. I'm embarrassed to admit that now - I love Mexican food! That is one thing I really miss about living in Texas.
5. I love movies that involve some sort of music and/or dancing. Love Fame, Camp, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Center Stage, Sound of Music and even High School Musical. I could watch those movies a dozen times and not tire of them. Of course this is kind of unusual, since I have no talent singing or dancing, especially these days!
6. I love to swim, but I am a horrible breather! If only I could get my coordination to kick in. Watching people that really can swim really kicks my jealous tendencies into gear.
Here are a few photos of some of my recent projects.
This is a quilt my mom and I are making for my nephew, who just graduated (OK, who am I kidding, he graduated last May). Anyway, my mom and I did the blocks and then I hand quilted the whole thing. All it needs now is the binding, and lucky for me, she's handling that part. :)

This is a cute Keroppi cross stitch I finished a while back. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it, but I've got patterns for other Hello Kitty characters too.